Matching Gifts
Are you interested in growing your gifts in support of Marian Regional Medical Center—doubling, perhaps even tripling them? Corporate matching gift programs offer an easy way to do this.
Many companies will match their employees’ gifts (and even their employees’ spouse’ gifts), often up to $3,000 per year. This annual program involves no cost for employees, and Marian can benefit!
Google, Genentech, Electronic Arts, Franklin Templeton, Oracle, VISA and Genentech are just a few of the local companies with matching gift programs. In fact, over 18 million individuals work for companies that match their employees’ giving*.

When making your gift to the Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation, please check in the matching gift company search box on our giving form — or with your company's human resources or benefits office — to see if your employer has a corporate matching gift program that will make your support go twice as far.
If you have questions about our employee giving programs, please contact the Foundation office at (805) 739-3595 or email