How Will You Leave Your Legacy?
Reach Your Philanthropic and Financial Goals with a Planned Gift
Learn how leaving a legacy with Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation can help support the causes you care about while continuing to meet your current financial needs.
Legacy Gift
A legacy gift enables you to support Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation, secures the financial needs of your loved ones, and provides you with tax benefits. Legacy gifts of all sizes combine to help us meet our current goals and reach further into the future.
Lasting Impact
By including Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation in your will or trust, naming the school as a beneficiary of all or part of a life insurance policy, or taking advantage of other giving opportunities, you can preserve your assets now and support Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation for years to come. Your gift will have a real, lasting impact.
How to Give
Not only do you have options for how your gift will be used, you also have options on what to give and how to give. There are gifts that cost you nothing now, gifts that pay you income, and gifts that allow you to decide what happens when.