Marian's Legacy Society
Planned Gifts
Download Intent for a Planned Gift PDF
Planned gifts are crucial to sustaining the tradition and enhancing the quality of Marian’s health care mission far into the future. Planned gifts are especially important for the dual benefits they provide: your planned gift will create both a lasting legacy for you and your family and a positive impact on the lives of local patients you care deeply about. Due to the unique nature of these gifts, the Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation has created a Legacy Society to honor those individuals who make this extraordinary commitment.
The legacy of Marian Regional Medical Center began in 1940 when the Sisters of Saint Francis of Penance and Christian Charity founded Our Lady of Perpetual Help Hospital, Marian’s predecessor.
The Marian Legacy Society is an association of Marian friends and benefactors who share the same ideals as Marian’s founding Sisters of Saint Francis. Through the Marian Legacy Society, the Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation expresses gratitude to those who have included Marian in their estate plans. We invite others to become partners in continuing this extraordinary heritage of exceptional medicine—for today and tomorrow.
The Marian Foundation is available to discuss your specific goals and answer any questions you may have in person, by phone, or e-mail.
Through a planned gift, you may be able to receive income for life, take a tax deduction, or preserve your estate for your heirs and leave a legacy to Marian at the same time. Through the Marian Foundation, a Marian planned giving adviser can work with your financial adviser to help facilitate a gift that is specifically tailored to fulfill your goals while also furthering our mission of healing in the Santa Maria Valley.
Membership is offered to all individuals who have made an estate provision for Marian Regional Medical Center as a planned or deferred gift commitment, regardless of the amount, including:
- Bequest in a will or living trust
- Charitable gift annuity
- Charitable lead trust
- Charitable remainder trust
- Endowed gifts
- Donor Advised Funds
- Designation of Marian Regional Medical Center as the beneficiary of a retirement plan or a life insurance policy
- Remainder interest gift of a home or farm
- Real estate
As a member, you will receive:
- A small gift as a token of our appreciation
- Innovation, an annual report of the Marian Foundation
- Gratitude, a periodic publication of the Marian Foundation
- Other special updates about Marian’s progress and programs
- Invitations to special events and educational seminars
We deeply appreciate your generosity. Your philanthropy will spur the next great accomplishments of our hospital.
For questions about membership or making a planned gift, contact Alisha Holley, MBA, CFRE, Manager of Philanthropy, at (805) 739-3595.
Luncheon 2023 Slideshow