Marian's Crisis Stabilization Unit Developing behavioral health services in our community

Each year, close to 1 in 5 people suffer from an acute psychiatric illness and would benefit from treatment. With mental health needs crossing all socio-economic boundaries and the increasing prevalence of mental health disorders, Marian is committed to developing Behavioral Health Services and will be opening a Crisis Stabilization Unit (CSU) in early 2021.
Due to county, state, and nationwide shortages of inpatient behavioral health beds, mental health patients are often forced to wait many hours or even days in the Emergency Department until an out-of-area bed is available. Opening a CSU in our community will provide a much-needed missing element of local care for patients in acute crisis. The CSU's team is comprised of specially trained psychiatrists, psychiatric nurses, and support staff.
The CSU's $1.5 M Fundraising Campaign
The Marian Foundation is close to reaching the campaign's $1.5 million fundraising goal. To date, $1,328,000 has been raised for Marian's CSU campaign.
If you are interested in making a donation in support of Marian's CSU or would like to schedule a private tour, please contact the Foundation at (805) 739-3595. To learn more, visit
Positive Impact:
- Facilitates early treatment initiation and follow-up care coordination
- Decreases extended waits for behavioral health patients in the Emergency Department as they await placement at an inpatient facility
- Keeps patients local as 50-75% of patients treated at the CSU will not require transfer to inpatient bed outside the community
- CSU staff works intensely with patients, stabilizing them for 16-20 hours before safe discharge or transfer
- Increases available space in the Emergency Department (1 in 8 visits are behavioral health or substance abuse related)

Recent support from our wonderful community
Santa Maria Police Department
The Santa Maria Police Department donated $1,500 in October for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and raised an additional $2,600 for “No Shave November."


Stowasser Buick GMC
Stowasser Buick GMC donated a portion of the proceeds of every car sold in October, for a donation of $3,200.


Toyota of Santa Maria
Toyota of Santa Maria’s Pinktober Pumpkin Patch raised $11,500.


Chumash Casino Resort
Chumash Casino Resort’s Project Pink Campaign raised $12,966.


Community Bank of Santa Maria
Community Bank of Santa Maria raised $1,500.

Make a year-end gift in support of our health care heroes |
As this challenging year comes to an end, your tax-deductible year-end gift will make a profound difference. There is no better way to express your gratitude to our health care heroes. Visit or call the Marian Foundation at (805) 739-3595 to make a gift today!
Santa Barbara Foundation awards $65,000 grant |
The Santa Barbara Foundation awarded the Marian Foundation $65,000 in continued support of the Family Caregiver Support Program, addressing the needs of family caregivers whose loved ones are elderly and often medically fragile. At the center of the support system is a Caregiver Navigator, providing in-depth support to caregivers embedded within the health care system.
The Marian Foundation extends its sincere gratitude to the Santa Barbara Foundation for its ongoing partnership.