The Marian Regional Medical Center Foundation is grateful to our many community supporters. The above photos represent recent and meaningful gifts.
Clockwise from top left: The Teal Journey Ovarian Cancer Foundation graciously created activity bags for cancer patients full of gift cards, adult coloring books, a scented candle from Parable Candle Company, and other helpful items. They even provided a little bear to remind people to keep HOPE; Vineyard 4-H Club of Orcutt created 21 pillowcases by using sewing machines. When asked what the girls hoped their gifts would bring to patients one girl shared “happiness” and the other girls, aged from 6 to 14, all agreed; Allan Hancock College recently hosted the seventh annual Coaches vs. Cancer event, in honor of the college’s longtime assistant basketball coach and three-time cancer survivor Larry Carney, raising more than $4,826 in support of Marian Cancer Care Services; Day of Hope is just around the corner! Join hundreds of community members as we line the streets of Santa Maria, Orcutt, Lompoc, and Nipomo on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 from 7:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. to sell $1.00 Special Edition Day of Hope newspapers to benefit Marian Cancer Care at Mission Hope Cancer Center. We are grateful for the Inspire Sponsor of AERA Energy and our many sponsors. For a full list of sponsors, click here.