Marian's Founders: The Sisters of Saint Francis
Marian’s legacy of health and healing began in 1940 when the Sisters of Saint Francis of Penance and Christian Charity opened Our Lady of Perpetual Help Hospital, Marian’s predecessor. Although the Sisters had meager financial resources, they were driven by a vision—to provide for the medical and spiritual needs of the community. The Sisters' vision, coupled with their unwavering belief that “God will provide,” comprise the foundation upon which the medical center is built.
As Marian celebrated 75 years of health care innovation in 2015, we offer great respect and gratitude to the Sisters of Saint Francis for their visionary leadership and legacy of wellness, health, and healing. Despite the ever changing and challenging climate of health care, it is clear that Marian remains dedicated to recruiting top physicians and health care professionals and investing in the most advanced technologies for the health of patients young and old. Marian’s commitment to provide for the needs of future generations is a testament to the medical center’s tireless pursuit to remain a hospital ahead of its time.